Exhibitor Info

Exhibit Your Work

College and university galleries are supported by taxes and endowments; museums by memberships and endowments. The Canessa Gallery’s support is:

Volunteers $12,000
Tenants $4,000
Gifts $4,000
Matching Grant $4,000
Proprietor’s Gifts $12,000
Total: $36,000

Each artist’s month-long show receives the benefit of a $3,000 subsidy — $1,000 of volunteer support and $2,000 in cash expenses.

In and out foot traffic happens in Fisherman’s Wharf galleries with their salespeople, closing rooms and promotional budgets. Grant Avenue galleries run as businesses, incur expenses of $3,000 to $6,000 per month and choose artists who sell $6,000 to $12,000 per show.

There are probably 1,000 artists who want to show for every functioning gallery in the United States. The purpose of Canessa Gallery is to help artists committed to their work for their lifetime and artists who specifically love Canessa and want their work shown here.

In spite of the 500 people on our mailing list, most of the people who come to the opening are supporters of the artist.

Artists who help Canessa Gallery are obviously helping other artists. Many artists over the last 30 years have given back about half the value of the $3,000 subsidy. Some have not been interested in doing this.

There is an unconventional secret value to an artist in all this. Think of Gertrude Stein’s atelier in Paris in the early 1900s.

Artists who have recently shown at Canessa include Kathy Park and Henry Wolbert, Jimo Perini, Margo Bors, Maya Rattiner, Jack Hirschman, Kenneth McGough and Dion Wright.

If you are an artist for life and interested in showing at Canessa, drop us a note about info@canessa.org.